Almond Chai Milk

I received this spicy & delicious recipe from Sarah Heipel - personal trainer, whole foods promoter, and overall awesome human. It came as part of a Christmas card several years ago, and I continue to find it warming in all cool weather.


1 cup soaked almonds - soak overnight, then dispose of the water.

4 cups fresh water

1/4 cup soaked dates

2-3 tsp dried ginger

2 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp nutmeg

1/2 tsp cardamom

1 tsp allspice

1/2 tsp black pepper

1 tsp vanilla - pure extract

2 Tbsp raw honey

Blend at high speed until smooth. Strain if desired. Serve warm or chilled.


Shelby’s Notes

I use the date-soaking water as part of the 4 cups water in the recipe.

My preference for dates is the Medjool variety.

I blend the almonds-dates-water, then strain through a fine metal sieve before returning to blender and adding the spices.

  • for a more smooth, pulp-free texture, strain through a nut milk bag

  • I store the remaining almond & date fibre/pulp in the fridge, to add to morning oatmeal or quinoa.

A high speed blender will warm this nicely, when left to blend for a few minutes.

Dr. Shelby Worts, BSc, ND

Naturopathic Doctor in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada. Helping people feel better and take control of their health.

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