
What is the naturopathic remedy for headaches? There isn’t one.  This is because a headache is a symptom, and what may be causing it could be different for each person. 
One thing is for certain though, it’s not an ibuprofen deficiency. So, let’s look at some of the most common causes and solutions to consider.*

Structural  This could be pertaining to an injury, muscle tension, posture, jaw clenching, sleeping position, pinched nerve, etc.  We are fortunate in this region to have a variety of great physical therapy practitioners who can explore how your structure may be contributing to your headaches - such as chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists, massage therapists, and pilates teachers. 
If muscle tension is determined to be a contributing factor, a deficiency of magnesium or inadequate hydration may be worsening your symptoms. 

Food Sensitivities  Once your food has been eaten, digested and absorbed it is then presented to your immune system.  If your immune system reacts to any of the compounds it will trigger inflammation, which can present in your body in many ways such as headaches, joint pains, skin issues, frequent illness, difficulty losing weight, and more. 
A blood test (IgG Food Sensitivities) can help identify these triggering foods. 

Hydration  You have probably experienced this yourself - your hydration level can impact the severity and frequency of headaches.  Be sure to consume at least half your body weight (lb) in ounces of water and herbal teas each day, and add electrolytes to your water on hot days and during workouts. 

Hormones  If you notice a cyclical pattern to your headaches through the month, or if you are in your 40s or 50s, and have ovaries, you may be experiencing hormonally related symptoms.  
Tracking these and discussing them with your naturopathic doctor (ND) will help determine next steps, which may include hormone testing. 

Environmental  Chemicals in your environment may be triggering your symptoms. Common culprits are fragrances, off-gassing of new building materials or furniture, hobbies (if solvents are involved), etc.  Allergies can also create headaches.  
This can be made worse if you are experiencing digestive issues such as constipation.

Stress  How you hold and deal with stressors can have a physical impact on your body, from hormone production to muscle tension and sleep quality.  I discuss stressors with every client as I find they can impact health profoundly - often in ways not commonly considered. 

While exploring the cause of your headaches it’s important to also have pain-relief solutions.  For these I refer to TCM acupuncturists, MDs who can prescribe medical cannabis, or recommend intravenous (IV) nutrient therapy.  NDs love IV therapy for reducing the frequency and intensity of headaches, and have actually seen some acute migraines resolve during a 20 minute infusion. 

Most headaches have a solution - work with your ND to explore what is getting in your way of you being pain-free.  A full work-up may include comprehensive blood work, to explore nutrient deficiencies, inflammation, hormones, or food sensitivities. Don't suffer in silence – there's help out there for you!

*These are general suggestions and should not be interpreted as medical advice. Discuss this with your qualified healthcare practitioner, especially if you are pregnant, taking medications or dealing with a chronic disease.

Dr. Shelby Worts, BSc, ND

Naturopathic Doctor in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada. Helping people feel better and take control of their health. 


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